Tuesday, 24 August 2010

First Day Blogging!

Well, here I am.  I have decided to start a blog to help link me to the world outside Lower Bavaria!

As my 'about me' section says, I've been making jewellery for a while now, using ancient and modern techniques. And I hope that people out there who are interested in beads and beading will take a look to see what I'm up to and let me know what you think and/or what you do.

My latest little buzz is using silver-plated or metallic enamelled wire to crochet jewellery - sounds odd but the results are really lovely......they are so recent, they haven't even made it to my website, yet!

I'm especially pleased with these, which I've created since the last craft fair I did because I have another craft fair locally at the weekend, and so some of my customers will be looking for something new.

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